Brightspace LMS Integration Instructions

This article provides details about integrating your C.TI account with Brightspace (LMS) for awarding automatic digital credentials.

Brightspace Admin Setup

In order to get everything wired up, please follow the Brightspace set up instructions below and provide the requested information about your LMS and account to the C.TI support team!

1. Your Course Import Preference : User Account or Organizational Wide

2. Brightspace admin/teacher email address : admin@[yourschoolname].edu

3. An Access Token

Login as the administrator / teacher of the Brightspace instance. Go to Settings -> Manage Extensibility -> Oauth2.0. Click on Register an Application and fill in the following fields as given below.

  • Application Name : C.TI Application
  • Redirect URI :
  • Scope : content:completions:read content:toc:read core:*:* enrollment:orgunit:read grades:gradeobjects:read organizations:organization:read orgunits:course:read users:own_profile:read users:profile:read
  • Access Token Lifetime (seconds) : 72000
  • Description : description of your choice

Then, click the "Register Button"

4. Please provide the information displayed on the screen as was as the additional information regarding preference.

  • Client ID : cc4c94b9-369a-98x0-88xx-9ff0d6877c8p
  • Client Secret : J-WxxxJZhHicd4wc7gm8SIton1_s7IC1eT15zgPLMcE
  • Brightspace URL : https://[yourschoolname]

Connecting to C.TI

Define a Course Credential on C.TI

  1. Login to your C.TI account (if you do not have credentials let us know.)
  2. Click on Define Credentials
  3. Create a new credential definition for your course

Connecting a Course

  1. Login to your C.TI account (if you do not have credentials let us know via
  2. Login into Brightspace [ As an Administrator / Teacher ]
  3. After successfully logging in, Import courses by clicking on the “Import Courses” button.
  4. When connecting the Course to a credential on C.TI, you have the following options:
  • Create + Connect. This option will create a credential definition on the go and have the course connected to the credential in one step. A basic credential definition will be created with the information available on the course. The credential definition is then editable within your credential catalog.


  • Connect. This option will allow you to connect your course for your predefined credential definitions within your credential catalog.


  • Upon successful connection you will be getting the following connection status on the app.

  • This connected connection can be found and disconnected by visiting the connections tab on C.TI