How to integrate Schoology to the C.TI platform

Step-by-step guidance on connecting your learning management system (LMS) to the platform

Prior to connecting your LMS to the C.TI platform, you have to first complete the set-up below for the LMS of your choice and provide the required information to the C.TI team to get everything wired up. Things you need:

  • Consumer key
  • Consumer secret
  • Admin Login Email / UserName

Obtaining the required information to provide to the C.TI team

1. Schoology: Setup API Keys

  • Login as the administrator of the Schoology instance. Go to Tools -> School Management -> Integration -> under API ( Manage API Credentials )
  • Request New API Key to generate the consumer key and consumer secret.
  • Please provide the created consumer key and consumer secret.

2. Schoology: Get Admin Login Email / UserName

Login as the administrator of the Schoology instance.

  • Navigate to Your Profile
  • Under “Contact Information” please copy the email or login user name
  • Please provide the copied value

Connecting a Course

1. Login to your C.TI account at

If you do not have credentials let us know via

2. Login into Schoology as an Administrator  

3. After successfully logging in, Import courses by clicking on the “Import Courses” button

4. When connecting the Course to a credential on C.TI, you have the following options  
  • Create + Connect - This option will create a credential definition on the go and have the course connected to the credential in one step. A basic credential definition will be created with the information available on the course. The credential definition is then editable within your credential catalog.


  • Connect - This option will allow you to connect your course for your predefined credential definitions within your credential catalog.


5. Upon successful connection you will be getting the following connection status on the app.

6. This connected connection can be found and disconnected by visiting the connections tab on C.TI.

Connecting a Course Section

1. Login to your C.TI account at

If you do not have credentials let us know via

2. Login into Schoology  as an Administrator 

3. After successfully logging in, Import your courses by clicking on the “Import Courses” button

4. After successfully importing the courses, Import course Sections by clicking on the “Import Content” button on any of the courses listed.

5. When connecting the Course Module to a credential you have the following options  
  • Create + Connect. This option will create a credential definition on the go and have the course connected to the credential in one step. A basic credential definition will be created with the information available on the course. The credential definition is further editable in your credential catalog.


  • Connect. This option will allow you to connect your course for your predefined credential definitions given under your credential catalog.


6. Upon successful connection you will be getting the following connection status.

7. This connected connection can be found and disconnected by visiting the connections tab.

We hope you enjoyed using the C.TI Integration for Schoology!